
Australian Packaging Covenant – July 2016

Globus Group has been a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) for many years. The APC is a sustainable packaging initiative which aims to change the culture of business to design more sustainable packaging, increase recycling rates and reduce packaging litter.


The most recent assessment of Globus Group’s performance in meeting the objectives of the APC has recently been completed and covers the year ended 31 December 2015. Globus achieved an average rating of 3.8 against the average achieved across all APC signatories of 3.2 which is a fantastic outcome. It demonstrates that the initiatives Globus Group has pro-actively driven in recent years in reducing our energy use, maximising recycling and reducing waste are all having a positive effect on our business and our environment.


Globus Group will continue to work to achieve the APC’s goals of supplying our customer base with smarter packaging, reducing our waste and ensuring our working environment is as clean as possible.



Sustainable Green Print October 2015

Globus Group is pleased to advise that we have been awarded Level 3 certification in the Sustainable Green Print programme run by the Printing Industry Association. This certification is the highest level possible, and recognises our efforts to be an environmentally sensitive and responsible company. The certification compliments our accreditation under ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems and as a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant, and puts Globus Group at the forefront of the packaging industry’s efforts to ensure we are as efficient and environmentally responsible as possible.

 Green print