
About Viscofan Globus

Prior to Globus Groups acquisition by Viscofan it was at the forefront of the packaging industry across Australia and New Zealand. Whilst our background is in the meat and smallgoods industries, we have diversified to cover participants in the dairy, seafood and pet food industries. We also service a number of customers in manufacturing industries with their packaging and clipping requirements.

Viscofan further strengthens our position in the Australian and New Zealand. “Founded in 1975, Viscofan Group is the world leader in manufacturing and distribution of casings for the meat industry. The only one in the industry with the main technologies available: cellulose, collagen, fibrous, plastics and vegetal. Technical innovation, product  quality and customer service are our main drivers.

Viscofan operates casing manufacturing sites in Spain,Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Canada, Belgium, Germany, Serbia, Czech Republic, China, Australia and New Zealand, and a commercial network that reaches more than 100 countries”